“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
– 1 Corinthians 1:18 (KJV).
The power of God for redemption flows forth from the testament of the victory of Christ Jesus on the cross. God crushed the serpent and gave us victory with access to our lost relationship with Him. It bought back our lost glories and authorities at the cross and make us be able to witness the realities of the very power and glory of His presence.
It is through the victory of the cross that we regained access to God as our Father. We now can relate to His children because our sonship rights were restored in the victory Christ Jesus accomplished upon the cross. The whole essence of being a child of God and operating in the victories and benefits of the cross is what changes out the eternal outcome of our lives and the present heritage in this world.
Not realising that we have been redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus upon the cross will be too costly for any one human being. Satanic dominance and imprisonment will continue. We are being put in a perpetual place of state of weakness and fear which the devil and its agents exploit. Our sheer refusal to acknowledge the finished works of the cross and its victories will be too costly for anyone who turns their back on the wisdom of God the Father of all spirits as He has expressed through the cross.
While the cross showed to us the enormity of the power of God for us who believe and acknowledged the unsearchable wisdom of God through the cross, it automatically exposed the foolishness of those who rejected these finished works. Their rejection of the finished works of the cross makes them the targets of the wickedness of the enemy of our souls. They become preys in the hand of the devil and cannot have any part in the benevolence and generosity of the Father of all.
Rejection of the cross and all that Christ Jesus has accomplished through it eternally will rob anyone of us of the eternal blessings that flows thereby. To them that believed in the cross, He has given the power to assert their sonship in Him and to operate the life of dominion to the extent of the revelation of Him that they have accessed in the cross via His Word.
It is foolishness to challenge the wisdom of God as this gives us over to the devil who rules the rebels and ensure that they are destroyed. They are cut off from heaven’s flow of favour and goodwill, which makes us believe lies of the devil and in fear perpetually.
-Pastor Bankole