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Great Faith

“And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.”
– Matthew 8:7,9-10‬ ‭(KJV‬‬).


Great faith is usually built out of proper response to the Word of the Lord. Once we can understand and recognize the authority of His Word, the capacity of the Word will be made available to us. Recognition we give to the authority of God’s Word automatically impart faith to our hearts which propels us with the right response. It cuts off the mental assent that could have robbed us of the ability of the Word to deliver and bring the faith to take corresponding action to the Word which results into manifestation of our desired outcome.


Playing church or over familiarity with His Word are thieves that rob believers of the divine capacity in God’s written Word to deliver to us our desired outcomes. His Word is quick and powerful to prosper and deliver that which He has intend them for and never to return to Him without achieving their essence at any point. They will only return Him void where we did not recognize the divine abilities that His Word carry in them. His Word are powerful and can only to be related by the spirit and not by sense based intellect.


If we must profit in His Word we must accord this living Word the recognition and authority He carries. His Word are not to be mentally assented to by rationalizing them nor or over-familiarity but remembering constantly the personality behind the Word. This is what preserves the integrity and fidelity of His Word and our hearts can respond correctly to Him by instantly responding with corresponding action which is faith response to His written or spoken Word. That is why He sends His Word again and again to our hearts to save us from all our destructions and contradictions expecting that we will receive them with the corresponding actions they deserve. In our response to His Word sent to us lies the power to provide, heal, deliver and supply our specific needs. That’s why John said this is the victory that overcome is our faith.


Once we become saturated with His Word we become the doers of His Word if we do not store and process His Word in our head but get them into our hearts. The Word wants to engage both our conscious and subconscious mind and reprogram them to be conforming to God and His Word rather than to be held down in the sense realm in which faith can never be built. The sense realm grows thorns that chokes up the ability to respond to whatever God is communicating to us correctly as doubt by the manifest reality around are made so real threatening the acceptance of His Word. The Word is not available for debate or contention but once approached in humility and surrender then the results almost become instantaneous just as the centurion has experienced. He recognized the authority of the Word & personality behind the Word thus the spectacular outcome.


He is behind every of His written Word, our attitude to His Word matters and we stand a great chance to seeing His Word turning our lives around once we receive His correctly with right attitude. Faith will constantly be provoked and the corresponding actions stirred up and we see Him keeping the promise His Word conveys to us and they will be performed to us. Mary in her bewilderment responded how shall these things be, and the angel made known to her that the Holy Ghost will overshadow her and this provoked the right response of faith from her which she voiced…be it unto me according to Your Word.” Remember Peter after many unproductive night of fruitless efforts submitted Jesus’ instructions…. nevertheless at Your Word.


Therefore, may the Word profit us all as we approach Him with humility and submission from this day forward in Jesus name.


-Pastor Bankole

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